I’m Jenny, and let me assure you, I’ve exhaustively explored every possible avenue.
From testing out low-carb diets to embracing the world of plant-based eating, I’ve left no avenue unexplored.
I even found myself captivated by the charisma of Whoopi Goldberg on television, as she fervently advocated for those omnipresent ultra slim fast shakes.
However, ever since I welcomed my second daughter at the age of 28, it’s as if the pounds have developed a mind of their own, and that mindset is decidedly upward.
I must admit, there were instances when I managed to shed a few pounds temporarily, but it’s as if each attempt sets off a boomerang effect. The weight gleefully returns with a vengeance as soon as I deviate from whichever trendy approach I’m attempting that particular month.
Imagine me during my college days – I stood tall with an elegant figure, possessing the kind of hourglass shape that could capture attention with a single glance. It was this very allure that caught the eye of my now-husband, Jeff!
However, after my daughter Emma made her entrance, it seemed the scale was unwilling to shift from its position above 200 pounds. Just for context, I stand at 5 feet 7 inches, and my comfortable range had always hovered around 130 pounds.
Consequently, for nearly two decades, I’ve been hovering around the 220-pound mark. It’s truly been an extraordinary journey, to say the least.
Then one sleepless night, I stumbled on a health segment on MSNBC…
Featuring Tom Goodman, a photojournalist from Los Angeles, California. What was interesting about this particular health segment was that Tom shared how a quick 10-second morning ritual…
That he was inexplicably blessed to stumbled upon…
Helped himself and his wife Tammy, who had been struggling to lose weight for years…
Finally lose over 60 pounds.
Tom started by exposing the biggest nutrition lies the big fitness and weight loss players preach.
Just to push sales of their fad diets to make millions of dollars.
“To lose weight successfully, you shouldn’t eat less. Nor should you cut out carbs. Nor should you exercise until you drop,” he sternly quipped.
He then shared a multi-year study that demonstrated consistent and aggressive cardio routines have little effect on weight loss.
And that doing lots of endless cardio is actually bad for your health.
At that moment, it dawned on me that how all of the things I thought I was doing right – starving myself, running until I ached, eliminating carbs, yadda, yadda, yadda— they were actually holding me back rather than helping!
Can you believe that?
All that time and effort, not to mention thousands of dollars down the drain because I was fed lies.
Tom continued to explain how our bodies work. With only some minor changes, no matter your age, shape or size, you can kick your body into fat burning mode for much longer than normal.
Tom then shared his simple 10-second all-natural “morning ritual” that is scientifically proven to accelerate your metabolism and burn stubborn fat.
I listened intently and jotted down everything I heard as quickly as I could.
I remembered being skeptical — despite Tom showing a “before” picture and an “after” picture of himself from a couple of months ago.
But I owed it to myself to at least give this 10-second ritual a try.
And really, I was desperate to try anything.
So, that same week, I started the simple 10-second all-natural morning ritual.
You won’t believe what happened next!
In a single week, I lost 9 pounds and could really see the difference right away. My hips seemed slimmer and my jeans started to loosen up.
So I kept following Tom’s advice and I actually lost 64 pounds total in the next 5 months!
I’m not down to 130, but at my age and for my height, I think 145 is pretty darn good.
And, at 46 years old, I look amazing in a sun dress and I feel 20 years younger… and to tell a bit of a secret… my husband can’t keep his hands off me!
Since then, I have found out that Tom made it his mission in life to share this healthy weight loss discovery with women all around the world.
Tom’s discovery has made such a big impact on my life that I would regret it if I did not share his presentation with others.
Imagine waking up every morning full of energy and loving what you see in the mirror…
Imagine enjoying the foods you love: pasta, wine, or even a dessert — completely guilt-free…
And imagine feeling good and living your life without obsessing about every single calorie you eat…
All while knowing your health is being protected by one of the most powerful natural healing rituals ever discovered.
If you’re a woman who has struggled with weight loss, you owe it to yourself to watch Tom’s presentation and finally have the solution you need to lose weight and take full control of your life once and for all.
The consequences would have been disastrous had I not have strapped on my faith and followed Tom’s 30-second all-natural fix.
I would never be living the life of my dreams right now…
And I would have continued to gain more weight and be inundated with a whole set of chronic diseases including heart-attacks, diabetes and chronic joint pains.
Click Here Now to Watch Tom Goodman’s Presentation Now
I really hope it has the same impact on you as it did on me. Because the information you’re about to learn has literally transformed my life.
– Jenny